Tuesday, August 20, 2013


Well today one of my grandsons' was married,  no wait a minute.  He and his sweet bride were sealed together for all time and eternity in the Holy temple of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. 
That means that their marriage doesn't end when "death do us part", but instead lasts for infinity.  All of their children will be "sealed" to them under this covenant also.
Of course all of us are Heavenly Father's children.  He and our Heavenly Mother gave us our spiritual premortal bodies before we came here to earth and if we live right we will return to Him when this earth life is over.  But if we are sealed together, well we will join our families when we return to heaven and we will all know each other and be together always.
As I sat there and listened to the officiator tell this sweet young couple about how to keep their love fresh and always think more of each other instead of themselves, I thought about my own marriage that so far has lasted 50 years and I realized that that is the only reason we have stuck it out this long.  He thinks and worries about me and I think about and worry about him.  I look at him and see the wonderful man he is and how much more wonderful Heavenly Father thinks he is and I have a little more patience and a little more tenderness in my heart for him.
Love is an ever changing, flowing, bumpy road and we just have to enjoy the ride.


peg said...

They are a beautiful couple!

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see you this weekend!