Tuesday, February 23, 2010

7 grandkids+ one weekend= LOTS OF FUN!

Lots of fun and games at the ol' house couple of weekends ago. 7 grandkids 8 years old down to 5 months! Noisy, wild, chaos, but oh such sweet blessings!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Gathering to Give

Every 3rd Wednesday a few (not enough) ladies gather in a room in the church building to tie quilts to give to the needy.
A kind lady has already put the quilt top together and another has donated a full size sheet or flannel for the bottom, plus the batting.
2 or 3 ladies put it all together on the quilting frames and then the rest of us bring our chairs around and begin to thread our needles and discuss the world news, the local news and the health and welfare of those that are close around us.
The quilts when finished will be sent to the local distribution center and from there sent out all over the world wherever needed, right now mostly to Haiti, or some other devastated country.
More than quilting is going on at these gatherings. Friendships are formed, laughter is shared and faith is reaffirmed. And each one of these ladies ends up feeling that she is doing something at long last to help others.
I for one feel helpless when I see these tragedies on the news and want to help and in this small way I can. No one can do it all alone, but together we can help someone feel that quilt around them in the cold and know that someone cared.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Wishful Thinking......

Icicle bars on my windows

Frozen frogs by my door

Makes me wish for those popsicle days of summer once again!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Finally went to the doctor today because I coughed all night long last night.
Still no fever, still feel ok, except tired.

Doc said I have bronchitis, ear infection, possible pneumonia in my upper right lung.

So one shot in each "cheek".......no that is not my hair butt, mine is much cuter and less hairy! And I was told to moon my sweet hubby to show my psychodelic bandaids.

A prescription to take for the next week.

I already feel better....less congested and I'm thinking.....................what the h e double toothpicks took me so long to go see the doc??
Do I need a slap on the side of the head to remind me this is what they have to do every single time I get a cold!