Monday, April 12, 2010

I Miss My Mommie!

Mother's Day is coming up next month and I've been thinking about my mother quite a bit lately!
My boys, their wives and my husband all got together and gave me a really great early Mother's Day gift....a class in learning to do stained glass. I'm going to my second class tonight and I really like learning about this art that I have admired for many years!
I can't give my mother gifts any more. She passed away many years ago and before she passed on she had senile dementia for several years so she wasn't herself.
Everyone says that I look a lot like momma, I don't always see it when I look in the mirror because I wear my hair different and use make-up and I am lots heavier than my mom ever was.
But then I will hear myself laugh like she did and I see her eyes and nose when I look again. The last couple of years I see her hands when I look at my own.
Momma was a very hard worker. She kept our house clean, she had to use a wringer washing machine and clothesline for years, she cooked super delicious meals three times a day everyday for close to 70-plus years.
Most importantly, she loved me even though she wasn't always patient with me. She tried her best to teach me to cook, sew, clean and take care of my own belongings. She gave me lots of free time to read, explore and be myself. She was always so busy being a homemaker I don't think she ever had time to be herself.
I think she always dreamed of doing lots of things she never got to do. She always wanted to go to the Ice skating shows. And when she was 90 years old she painted her very first picture of 2 little birds on a branch and we realized she would have been a good artist! I wonder what other talents she had that we never knew about?
Praise was sparing, but when it came it made you feel wonderful because you knew you had reached her expectations.
I don't really think I ever appreciated my mother until she was gone. Now, whenever I feel ill or down in the dumps or have something beautiful or exciting happen I want to tell my mom about it, share it with her and she is only there in spirit.
I miss my Mommie!


peg said...

I miss her also....very much. She gave us a beautiful gift though, She taught us how to love unconditionally.
She was beautiful even though she didn't think she was.
She gave so much and I will always be grateful for that.
Happy Mothers Day mom!

Mystial Batwoman said...

wish i could have gotten a chance to get to know her better. She raised an amazing daughter!

Delsa said...

You DO look like your mommie. She was a pretty woman just like her daughter. I know that she knew, just how truly blessed, and proud she was to be your mom.....I've always thought that you were/are so very beautiful inside and out......I am so lucky and blessed to call you sister! Families ARE forever !!!!

Joyce Ellen Davis said...

Yes, families are forever! I enjoyed reading about (and seeing) your mother. I miss mine, too. I think it never goes away....

I'm glad you are my friend. Mother's Day this year was good, but sad. Love you guys!