Friday, May 22, 2009

Graduation & Job Harassment

We went to our 4th grandchilds high school graduation last night. Isn't Tyler Dirk Andreasen handsome! Now he is looking for a job and planning college at ISU next fall. You can tell that his mom, dad and little brother are very proud of him!
I surely hope that Tyler doesn't have to face harassment on the job like Odie does! Here he is stalking a mouse in the lilac bushes in our back yard and the magpie in the bush to his right will not leave him alone! (click on the picture to see it better.) There are two of them and they follow him and swoop at him and walk on the ground right by him squawking like crazy, but being ever patient that he is he just ignores them. You would think that being a bird dog he would attack them, but it's like he doesn't even notice the two pests.
Guess we could all learn a lesson from these two events.
1st persevere to achieve your goals and keep pressing forward to the future.
2nd ignore those that bother and persecute you.
Now if we could just do those our life would be happier.


peg said...

Great family & congrats to the graduate!
Odie is determined! Reminds me of Pepper after the lizards!

Mystial Batwoman said...

Holy Moly. Time goes by so fast.