Sunday, September 6, 2009


I don't normally watch the football games that my sweet hubby loves so much, but when I saw the picture of the team with the huge team flag, it reminded me of Moroni carrying the title of liberty flag in the Book of Mormon and I couldn't deny the similarities in protecting "home, family and honor" and so I watched last nights game and was surprised at how involved I became in the action and excitement. BYU held their own against the #3 rated team of Oklahoma and defended their honor against all the naysayers who predicted a huge loss by BYU.
Now I am not saying that I will watch all of the future games, but I do understand a tiny bit more about why all of the men in my life love this team so much.
Maybe I am getting to deep in thought here, but could the team be a symbol of all that we fight against in the world today?? Could it be that when we cheer for our team that we are cheering for the victory over the invading army of the enemy? I don't know, maybe it's just a game after all.


Mystial Batwoman said...

A good thought...and I think a true one!

Delsa said...

Saw part of the game with friends at a reception..(The guys had the game on in the background....Oh Really????) All OU fans of course. When it was over, I put the old thumb screws to them ALL! Had a good laugh! Go BYU!!!

Damon said...


Nikki said...

Wahoo! Go cougs! I hadn't seen that picture til now! That's awesome!