Thursday, December 10, 2009

Dropping Stuff

Although I'm not out picking up sticks in the cold, it does seem like I am always dropping stuff and having to pick them up again.
Is this part of old age?
Have I lost my ability to hold on to stuff?
Have all the little tiny microscopic grippers on my fingers rubbed off?
Or is my body telling me I need more bending and stretching exercise?
Whatever it is.......I just wish I would stop!!


peg said...

does this symptom go right along with walking six feet and forgetting what it was you walked over to get?!

Gran Linda said...

Peggy, I think it must, because I do that too! So frustrating! I'm always scared I'll end up like mom!

Delsa said...

I scare myself sometimes!!! I'm like Peggy. But I have to go back and sit down (on my brain) lol and then I can usually figure it out....Maybe....sometimes....not always.....hopefully soon! Getting older is not for sissies!!!!