Saturday, December 26, 2009

Off to a New Year!

A special someone gave me the plate on this shelf awhile back and it reminds me everyday what a special gift life is.
This next Friday is the beginning of a New Year and already I have started on my resolutions. I didn't gain any pounds over Christmas, I am back on all the meds at the right dosage again, and I have made a vow to attend church every Sunday unless I am contagious to others.
The treadmill is up and running, hopefully with me on it starting Monday and with any luck I will lose a few more fat globs from my old body.
Christmas was's always amazing to me how much love, work and time go into a celebration that is over in at most 2 days!! But oh how worth it, it all was. I loved having my family close and seeing them all happy and having fun.
Happy New Year Everyone!


Delsa said...

Happy new year to you too, my sweets!
Christmas passed much too quickly this year, as has everything else. Seems like life is just clicking away and where does it go!!!???

Joyce Ellen Davis said...

Linda! You probably don't remember me, but I remember you--I just found Delsa on fb, and found you guys00I just saw your photo of you and Gary's family! What a great lookin' bunch of people.

I am Delsa and Gary's cousin Joyce! So happy to find y'all!!!!

Happy New Year!