Tuesday, August 3, 2010

I just want to say that I love my sweet hubby!

My sweet hubby can be a stubborn, selfish old man, but he puts up with this stubborn, selfish old woman everyday and is still a sweet, sensitive, caring man.
He is a good father, a patient and loving grandfather.
He is opinionated conservative full blooded patriotic American who takes off his hat and puts his hand over his heart when the flag goes by in a parade.
He is a fanatical, blue blooded, jumping up and screaming BYU Cougars fan who grumbles his way through football season vowing to never watch another game until the season ends and then he can hardly stand it counting the days until football starts again.
He is hard working keeping our cars running, machines working, lawn mowed and fences mended.
He loves animals and won't even kill a spider or ant unless he absolutely has too. He treats his dog better than most people do their kids.
I love and cherish this old man and I thank my lucky stars (or the angels in heaven) who brought us together over 47 years ago. Don't know what I'd do without him.


peg said...

yep,my brother in law is a pretty great guy and he's lucky to have you also!

Joyce Ellen Davis said...

Yep, my cousin Gary is a pretty great guy and he's lucky to have you also! (I think it bears repeating).

I wonder where we all got that animal-loving, never killing other planet-sharing beings like ants and spiders, etc? My brother Gaylen and I both were so blessed....