Tuesday, July 6, 2010


I found this little book at the library titled "Awesome". It's all about small, insignificant things that are just plain awesome compared to the everyday awfulness that surrounds us in the news.

Like waking up in the middle of a hot night and turning over your pillow and laying down your head on the "new, cool smoothness of the other side of your pillow"

My Awesome moment today was washing all the sheets and pillowcases from the weekend and then hanging them on the clothes line to gently blow dry in the breeze. Taking them down about an hour later and smelling that clean outdoor crispness and folding them right into the laundry basket and placing them in the linen closet and knowing that the next time I change the sheets, we and our guests will be able to enjoy that fresh wonderful smell and feel.

Tell me about your "awesome" moment!


peg said...

Just sitting out in the back yard watering the grass and enjoying the sunlight and comfortable breeze while listening to the birds and windchimes. ahhhhhh

Nikki said...

That was so awesome! Sometimes it's the simplest things that bring the greatest joys! An "awesome" moment I had this summer was when we were down at Lake Powell. It was late at night and the full moon was just coming up over the jagged, red rock cliff. The night was so still and beautiful, so I decided I wanted to take the kayak out so I could fully see the moon coming up (we were camped back behind an outcropping of rock, so I didn't have a very good view of it there). and since I couldn't get anyone to go with me, I ventured out alone into the moonlit darkness. I marveled at the beauty of it all, the perfect fullness of the moon, the stillness of the night, the long, golden reflection on the glass-like water.I just sat there pondering and giving thanks for the incredible beauty of this world Heavenly Father created for us and the fact that I was having that profound experience! I tried to capture it with my little camera, but in vain. I paddled back and tried to get someone to come join me, but it was late and they were all enjoying a movie, so I alone had that most breathtaking experience, which now is one of my most precious memories! I hope to someday take you guys there! Love you!

Joyce Ellen Davis said...

Having a 9-year old grandson who wants to sit on my lap and cuddle....sometimes.