Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Today's Harvest

Today I went out to our little garden and picked green beans, a tiny summer squash and 3 tomatoes of the many, many that are slowly ripening.  A small harvest yes, but plenty for sweet hubby and my needs for the day.  We will have a wonderful dinner of shepherds pie using the green beans, meat from a beef harvested earlier this year, rice and cheese.  We will slice up the tomatoes and squash and have them as a side dish.
Rhode Island Red.
The eggs are from our small flock of 6 hens.  They took so long to mature from baby chicks that I despaired that they would even be hens instead of roosters, much less lay eggs.  But faithless me was pleasantly surprised that once they started laying, they REALLY started laying and find 5 to 7 eggs per day now. Most are double yolkers too!
Another miracle is one hen who we thought was lost just 2 days ago.  We have 2 each of the following kind of hens. 
Barred Rock
We don't know what kind she is?         

Anyway, day before yesterday hubby saw a big hawk flying through our yard and I heard a loud squawking in the back yard.  When we went outside, there was a LOT of feathers all over the lawn and we were sure our Red was gone forever.  We herded the rest of the chickens into the run (no more free range for these little beauties dang it).
The next morning, lo and behold there was little Red, all mused up with feathers sticking out sideways desperately trying to get back in the run with her sisters.  So we let her in and she ran to the waterer and drank her fill and then went in to dutifully lay her egg for the day.  She looks much better today, less stressed and we have no idea where she hid out over night, but we are thankful for both our garden harvest and the protecting Heavenly Father lends us.

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