Thursday, March 5, 2009

Calm in the Midst of the Storm

We usually turn on the news every morning when we get up to see if the world is still in one piece and lately it seems as if it is rapidly crumbling apart.
Economic woes, government take overs and "bail-outs". So many people jobless and the stock market failing. Crime rates out of control, riots and demonstrations. Fights over who should be married and who shouldn't. Drug cartels threatening to take over the borders.
Add to that the weather everywhere. Winds, rains, snow, heat waves all across the world.
It sometimes makes you want to hide under the covers (or put your head right down in the sand, look through rose colored glasses, and all the other cliches) until it is all over.
What is a person to do to get through these rough times?
I guess we could turn off the tv and stop reading the newspaper so we wouldn't know what was going on everywhere. We live out in the country and it doesn't seem like much of it affects us personally, except the weather (wind howling like a bansee as I type). But we know others who are affected. A niece who lost her job to down sizing and had to start her own business, a grandson serving a mission in Mexico, another grandson going into the military soon. We know those that are losing their retirement savings in the stock market and wonder about our own going belly up.
So we can't hide, all we can do is endure and have faith that the Lord will watch out for us. He doesn't say he will keep us from harm, but he does say he will help us through it all. After all, he sent his son to serve here on earth and watched as we crucified him and yet he still loves us enough to promise a safe haven if we don't give up having faith.
I pray that each of you pray daily and keep close to your Father in Heaven and try to stay safe, healthy and happy.

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