Saturday, January 2, 2010

Lot's Wife

I just read an interesting article about looking forward and not looking back.
The article referred to the story in the Bible about Lot leaving Sodom and Gomorah and his wife looking back and being turned into a pillar of salt.
The reason the article gave was not so much that she looked back, but that she looked back with regrets and longing for what she was leaving behind.
It said that she was leaving the city, but she still wanted to be part of the life that she had there.
This view point made me immediately think of dieting......yeah it's been on my mind alot, ok always.
I want to lose weight, I want to eat healthy, I want to be lean, mean and HOT! But I still want to eat shakes, fries and burgers.
So I am just like Lot's wife. I want to go with the new, but I'm not willing to give up the old.
If I truly, honestly want to be slim and healthy, I have to look only forward with the new eating plan and exercise. I cannot always wish for the sweet desserts and fatty foods that taste so good and linger so long on the hips.
I guess I could say that unless I want to turn into a pillar...or glob...of hardened fat(salt), then I need to face toward that list of "free carbs" and step on the treadmill of life and get moving!!
No more looking back towards that old lifestyle of indulging and then guilt......wish me luck!


Joyce Ellen Davis said...

Me, too! ...and I wish you luck. I've even thought about NutriSystem. Look what that did for Marie Osmond! :D

...but the meals are sooooo small and icky.

Delsa said...

Good luck to you my sweets! I wish I could be more disciplined when it comes to food. Eating is a recreation for me (lol lol) and I wish I didn't enjoy the actual eating process....It gets harder and harder for me, as the years pass. I am so disciplined when it comes to other things....but food? NOT SO MUCH!!! You go can do it I know!!!! I'll be in your cheering section!

Anonymous said...

Wow, that is a really great analogy, Aunt Linda! I, too, want to "have my cake and eat it too", so to speak. I want to eat what I want when I want and still wake up thinner in the morning. Just doesn't work that way, does it? I don't want to give up my sweets and chips and treats.... and yet, I know I am not as healthy as I should be and I need to take better care of myself.

So, as this New Year starts, I pray that both of us can look forward and when we are tempted to look back longingly at the food we may be giving up, that we will be reminded of Lot's wife and that God wants what's best for us and we need to look ahead to that!

Mystial Batwoman said...

Hahahaha...this is the best comparison I've ever hear of when it comes to dieting. Love it! I never thought of it that way before.