Tuesday, June 22, 2010

If at first........

While at my son's house awhile back my daughter-in-law decided to make a lemon tart.
She followed the directions exactly and I helped her juice the fresh lemons and the smell was so delicious that my mouth watered and the kids all gathered round to see what was going on.
Shawna used a spring form pan because she didn't have a tart dish and when she took the finished product out of the oven and turned to place it on the counter that pan and the tart came apart and fell upside down on the floor.

Now we could have cried and Shawna did get mad for a little while, but what we couldn't resist was the enticing smell of the lemon and the buttery crust, so we sat on the floor and picked tiny, non-floor touching pieces of the tart up and ate until there were only pieces touching the floor. It was DELICIOUS!

Most people would have said "That's it, never again!", but not Shawna. She is not a quitter.

A couple of mornings later I woke up and when I arrived in the kitchen there was Shawna making another lemon tart. This time in a ceramic dish that was perfect for the recipe.
It turned out perfect and we all sampled the finished product.
Super yummy and even better this time without the threat of floor flavoring.

So many times we give up when life doesn't go the way we want. We rant and rave at the mistakes we have made and decide to go a different direction. Instead we should step back, gather our emotions, think things through and try again correcting our mistakes from the first time and maybe go a little slower and more methodically until we reach the desired result and are even more satisfied than we thought we might be because of the struggle.
Lesson to learn.......when life gives you lemons MAKE A TART!


Nikki said...

That does sound yummy! Good advice!

Joyce Ellen Davis said...

I LOVE your blog.