Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Play Time

Remember when you were little and you loved to play dress up and be someone fantastic?

Remember how you would be a grown up mom or lady going to the ball or the princess or the cowboy or the knight in shining armor?

When you had those costumes on you could be anyone you wanted and do things no one else could do.

Slay dragons, ride the fastest horse, fly high in the sky. That cape you wore flew out behind you as you ran faster than a speeding bullet and nothing, no nothing could stop you.

Tea parties with the fancy china, delicious flower tea and mud pies for dessert.
Those were the days, yes oh yes, those were the days.


Nikki said...

you have the cutest grandkids ever! Yes, I remember the days, but my dreams have changed a bit! :)

Nikki said...
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Joyce Ellen Davis said...

This is exactly why I went into theater! And this is why I love to write.