Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Back to the Routine

Good morning!

We had snow again overnight and I was pretty bummed out when I got up to see fresh snow, but then I heard the snow blower going and I felt bad that I had slept in while Gary was already out working.
Anyway, now that the new baby business has settled down, and Jinger's mom is here to take care of her for this week, I am back on schedule with the exercise routine. Kyle is doing fine and brothers really love him!
Actually, I've stepped it up alittle.
I went up a level on the bike (using level 2 on the hill climbing setting) and doing intervels on the threadmill (slow & steady, then fast and hard) and I was surprised to know that I could actually do it. I can walk a full mile now and yes I do sweat and breathe hard, but it is good for me and I feel better all day afterwards.
I am down to 234 now, a 16 pound loss.
The down side is that I am finding more wrinkles on my face now because the fat isn't filling them in anymore!!
Guess I'll look like this pretty soon!


Mystial Batwoman said...

16 lbs.! that's amazing mom. Way to go.

peg said...

Oh my gosh! As I'm reading this I said to Jim that you had lost 16 lbs and he said "that's what my bowling ball weighs and that's heavy!" Way to go!!