Saturday, February 28, 2009

Leap Year

I guess the last day of the shortest month is here! It did go fast and was very full.
The sun is shining this morning, but there is a light breeze making it pretty cold, but maybe it will warm up alittle. At least the snow is shrinking! I actually saw some green grass, some dirt and some rocks! Maybe spring is coming after all.
Gary is slowly getting better, still has a cough and has to use the nebulizer, but he is up and around and we went for a drive yesterday to get out of the house. So far I haven't gotten it and I intend for it to stay that way!
It's Saturday and I can't seem to lose the habit of it being the "Day to get ready for Sun-n-nday" so I need to start laundry and vacuum, and all that other stuff.
The good thing for the day is I will have Gage and Luke for part of the day while Jinger and the baby get some rest.

1 comment:

peg said...

Glad to hear Gary is getting better and hope you don't get it.
Love ya!