Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Each new baby born is of course a miracle!
So tiny and perfect with 10 fingers, 10 toes and everything else in perfect order.
But this tiny little brother, brought new testimonies of faith to his little family and extended family.
His mom felt that something was different last week when she went for her check-up. An ultrasound showed that the baby was breach...head up instead of down. She would probably need to have a C-section.
She asked for a blessing, and it was given and the words "This baby will be born healthy and strong" was a great comfort to all listening.
She was told that if she started into labor to come right away to the hospital so they could do the procedure. Another ultra-sound found the little guy had turned!! 1st miracle!!
So the next 23 hours went slowly, and painfully for mom. Finally dad felt the time was right and another blessing was given "Your body will release this baby to come into the world healthy and strong" and within the next 45 minutes and 3 pushes......Kyle Ryder Andreasen was here!
Some of you may not think these were miracles, but I do.
Miracles are all around us everyday, we just need to see God's hand in the things of beauty.
May God bless you with miracles today and everyday!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There are many miracles experienced in our lives, but that of
the creation and birth of a baby, is one of the greatest!!!! The wonder of it all, still amazes me!
These were 'special circumstances' in this birth, and a 'blessing' is just what was desired and given!!! In faith, we can receive much!
I can relate to Jinger and Carl, by the miracles I have, myself, experienced!
Congratulations, and much love to
all! Your Sis in Colorado