Thursday, February 19, 2009

Imprisoned By Snow and Ice

This is the view out our deck to the northwest. The snow is about 3-4 feet deep and level with the top section of the deck.

This is the view out our kitchen sink window looking north towards the swing set in the back yard.

This is the view to the north out my kitchen window by the dining table.
The sun did shine for about 15 minutes this afternoon. No wonder I read so many books in the winter.


Olinselot said...

I know what you mean! Imprisoned is exactly how it feels. Oh well, at least we have somewhere warm to just need a sweet baby to love on...that would brighten your day.

Amy Jo Romney said...

Sorry we didn't show up at the temple today. I got up and got ready to go. I could not get Benjamin to wake up. I was going to go anyway, but then my tummy started grumbling. I've spent most of the morning in bathroom. My colon is pretty sporatic. I never know when I am going to feel great and when I can walk 3 feet from the toilet. I don't have your cell numbers so I couldn't call. I'll try again next week. :) Love ya.

Anonymous said...

I'll NEVER complain about winter in Colorado again!!!!!!OMGosh!!!!!

Now, "that's" what you call snow and cold! Burrrrr! I send many hugs to help keep you warm!