Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Honoring Hero's

Today is Veterans Day and even though I went shopping today, I did remember to thank all those who served in the military for our country.
One who served in the Civil War and died of influenza.
Two uncles who were in WWII, one shot by a sniper, one came home safe.
My husband who served in Germany during the time of the Berlin wall, and who had two who served in the Korean War.
A nephew who served in Afghanistan and came home safe.
A nephew who served in Kuwait and came home safe.
A grandson who is serving in the 82nd Airborne right now and I pray everyday that he will come home safe after his tour of duty.
I thank all who think enough of their country to leave their families, loved ones, and friends. Who risk life and limb to keep those of us at home safe and free.
They are all hero's, warriors and patriots, and AMERICANS in the greatest sense of the word.


peg said...


Delsa said...

Couldn't have been stated more beautifully!