Saturday, November 14, 2009


I have decided that I spend far to much time on the Internet doing fairly useless things.
I find that when I get on the computer time ceases to exist and before I know it I have been sitting in the same spot for hours at a time and my eyes are tired and dry and my butt has formed a cozy spot into the chair.
Do I disconnect my spirit from my body during this time spent staring at a screen? Do I become distanced from reality? Do I become someone that I usually am not?
Just like opening a bag of chips or chocolate, the internet is addictive and it is hard to know when to stop.
I am going to think about this alot in the next few lifetimes.


peg said...

they are like microwaves or TV did we do it before we had them! We are a spoiled generation. Then I look at my grandkids and they will never know of life without these things!

Anonymous said...

Hope you will continue to post on your blog every so often! I've enjoyed being able to connect with you. :) I totally understand, though!