Sunday, January 31, 2010

Snow and Sore Throats

It has been snowing off and on for the last week and although we did have a couple of warm sunny days when we actually had puddles in the driveway, it started snowing again this morning and everything is white and gray and cold. Along with a little wind that makes it miserable to be outside.
I am not a little kid anymore who loves to play in the snow, make snowmen or dig snow caves. I don't think I was ever a little kid anyway.
We had a kind of different week in other ways too. Sweet hubby decided to have some medical tests done, which so far have turned out just fine thank you very much. But it involved driving into Rexburger at least twice a day for 4 days running. It also involved a very cranky sweet hubby, who is finally back to being a sweet hubby.

On top of all that, I started last Monday morning sneezing my head off, and then decided I had a head cold, which then turned into a sore throat, which turned into laryngitis, which turned into a sneezing, blowing, coughing, sore throat, raspy voice. Now, its Sunday and I am finally starting to feel better.
All in all, it's been a mucky week, but I got some wonderful news tonight from a grandson and I know that sweet hubby is fine and another grandson will be baptized this next week and everyone else seems to be doing ok, so life is good and this tough ol' bird will keep on keeping on!


Nikki said...

I'm so sorry I didn't know you were sick or I would have brought you some soup or something! but I hope the apple pie helped a little last night!:) Take care while your "keepin' on"!

peg said...

Hope your feeling tons better! Take good care of both yourselves. Cuddle up together and stay warm!
Love you!!

Mystial Batwoman said...

glad your feeling a bit better...We love the tough ol' bird!