Wednesday, August 12, 2009

I Love Our Country!

With everything that has been going on in our great United States of America I feel like I should restate how I feel about being an American.
I have never traveled outside of the US of A, but one son, and 2 grandchildren and my sweet hubby have. One grandson is currently serving in the army and will soon be sent to one of those far away places full of the Taliban or Al Queda. Knowing the circumstances he will be in and knowing how proud I am of him serving his country gives me a greater sense of pride in our country also.
Another grandson is serving a church mission in poverty stricken Mexico and I am super proud of him too. He walks the dusty drug ridden streets everyday in almost unbearable heat to teach the gospel in hopes of improving peoples lives through faith in Jesus Christ.
I know that if the government under President Obama succeeds in his mission, we will be a totally socialist, secular country.
We will no longer have the freedoms and rights given to us in the founding fathers constitution.
Maybe everyone will have health care, but will it be the quality that we have now or will it be dependent on our age, extent of our illness, or whether the government thinks we are worthwhile persons in society?
Will our power bills be so high that we live either freezing or roasting to death because we can no longer afford to warm or cool our homes? Will we soon need to go everywhere by horse & buggy or bicycle? Will mail be a once a month or once a year delivery?
Will our news be dictated by the government and all our private information be listed on the new plastic card with a 666 on the front that we have to use for everything??
I love our country and the freedoms that we have now. The freedom I have to write this and let anyone read it.
If they label me an astroturf conservative so be it! I will gladly go spend the rest of my years labeled a proud American protester!

1 comment:

Delsa said...

This is most definitely a scary time for all Americans! My feelings are much the same as yours my sweets! I hate to think of what lies ahead, especially for us in the winter of our lives etc. It's not very promising, to say the least. Just hope and pray for the best!!! Too scary, when the reality of it all sets in!
Keep the faith!
Hugs, "Me"