Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Alone at last....not forever thank goodness!

My sweet hubby left just this morning and will be gone a few days. So it's just Odie and me here in this big ol' house.
Quiet and solitude at last, no cooking, no cleaning, no noise unless I want it.
So far I've watched 2 movies, gone to Wally world and ate a Ben & Jerry's Cherry Garcia ice cream.....
Not handling the solitude so well I guess.
I will be ok and I will enjoy a few days of rest and relaxation.
I also know that I will definitely NOT want to live here alone for to long. I am not afraid, don't get me wrong, I feel perfectly safe.
It's just that this house is bigger than I need and I like, love my hubby and enjoy his company. We have grown into a companionable easy way of being together and still not getting in each others way. We each do our own things and go our separate ways during the day and end up together alot. We don't need to talk alot or even sit together but there is a sweet connection between us that will last forever no matter what.
Meanwhile, I will enjoy Odies company and any of the kids that drop by, and I might do some more window shopping, family history projects and stay in my jammies all day.
I will enjoy my solitude, and eagerly await hubbies return at the same time!


peg said...

The not having to cook or clean up for anyone is the best part! Enjoy your peaceful days and read lots of books!
Hope Gary has a good trip and returns safely soon.

Mystial Batwoman said...

Oh...sounds fun :) Your jammies are cute so I give you permission to stay in them all day long. Have fun!