Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Empty Nests

Well, after the skunk, muskrat, rockchuck, rat, mouse fiasco in the hen house and good ol' Lucky the rooster deciding to attack me every time I went to feed our fine feathered friends, we decided to give the little chicka's away.
I thought this might take awhile to happen.
Gary made one phone call and Jinger made one phone call and two, no make that 3 days later all the chickens were gone. One neighbor took 6 of the hens and one of Jinger's friends took the other 7 hens and Lucky.
I thought I would be ok about all this, after all Gary and I don't eat that many eggs, and feed is expensive so we definitely weren't saving any money and it was a total hassle to take care of them through the winter. And the ol rooster was jumping at me every time I opened the barn door.
This morning I woke up at the usual 7 to go potty and my old schedule was to let Odie out, open the gate, open the hatch in the coop.
When I remembered that I didn't have to open the coop, I went back to bed and slept 2 more hours. Sad, alittle, but boy did the extra sleep feel good.
What will I write about now???????????


Delsa said...

Kind of sad, isn't it?! I know they can be a lot of work, and I know the eggs are wonderful, but........
There comes a time when we have to hunker down and do what we feel is best for us. If 'we' don't, no one else will, right? Like you said,just a change in the old routine....a good change....that old bed feels extra, mighty dang good some mornings!!!!What the heck!
Much love.....and hugs.

peg said...

Just think, no more chicky poo poo to clean up! Sleep in and enjoy!
love ya