Friday, April 10, 2009

Feeling Better/ All Tied Up

Well Hurray, I'm feeling better today and actually had the sense to take it carefully today and not overdo it again!
We did have some excitement this afternoon. It looked like it was going to rain so we fed and watered the chickens and thinking they were all in the coop, we locked the hatch and went back in the house.
Awhile later Gary yells " Mom come help me something is wrong with one of the chicken's. She has her foot caught on something." So we go out to the chicken pen and one of the white chickens is sure enough caught in some string that is wrapped around one of her feet and a weed in the ground.
It was easy to catch and hold her, pull up the weed and then take her, the weed, string and mud into the house to cut it all apart. We forgot about Odie, The Bird Dog!!
I got a pair of good sizzors and we went to sit down at the table to cut the string off and Odie jumped up behind me trying to grab the poor chicka who immediately went bizerk and I about broke her neck trying to hold on to her.
We had to go into a room where we could close Odie out and finally cut the frightened bird loose and put her into the coop with the others.
Then I finally checked out my clothes which were of course covered in.......yes that's right ............
chicken shit!! The kitchen floor was covered in mud from the weed and I felt like I needed a shower!!
Some way to say thank you huh. Guess chickens express themselves differently that humans.
Oh yes!! I hope you all have a lovely Easter weekend and enjoy remembering the real reason for the season. It's not just bunny's and pretty painted eggs. It's remembering the Christ not only died for us, but then rose again on the 3rd day to show that we could all live again. The best gift of all.


peg said...

guess that chicken won't be giving you any Easter eggs!
Glad your feeling better, so am I
Love you!

Mystial Batwoman said...

haha hahaha! That's a great one. Almost beats the disapearing act in Sams Club. Love ya and hope you had a great Easter!