Sunday, July 12, 2009

Crepe & Wattles

This morning as I was putting my make-up on to get ready for church I moved my eyes down to my neck. No one likes to see that make-up line at your jaw and I like to make sure everything is smoothed out and flawless..... Instead I really noticed the crepey skin and wattle!!
I have noticed this before and not really thought about it but today in the magnifying mirror I have to use to put mascara on so I don't jab myself in the eye, the wattle was waving in the breeze and I was mortified.
Old people have wattles.........oh yeah, I'm an old people!
So I take my hands on either side of my neck and gently pull the skin back. There, nice smooth neck, but what is all that puffy skin just under my ear lobes?? Yep, neck skin re-positioned!
So I try again, and again and finally find a method that works, now if I just had clear duct tape to make it stay!!
This will never work, because I realize that all the excess skin is now at the back of my neck and I will have to grow my hair 4 inches longer to cover the pleats in the back!
Oh well, now I know why some older women look kind of snobby. It's because they hold their head up so high and look down their noses at you because it's the only way to get rid of the dreaded WATTLE!

1 comment:

peg said...

Ain't getting older fun! I thought I was keeping myself young by doing yoga until as I'm bending over doing the "downward dog" I notice the dry wrinkly skin saggin on my thighs!