Saturday, July 4, 2009

Independence Day???

Today is the 4th of July. All our kids went to the big parade in Rexburg and the kids got candy and had fun watching Tyler in the "Car Wash" drill team march.

Gary and I stayed home, we don't enjoy the madhouse of traffic and the hot sun beating on our heads.

Carls family came over and fixed us really great bacon, turkey, provolone, avacado, tomato and lettuce hoagies. Better than Quizno's anyday.

We've been watching Spideyman 2 and lazing around and will go to Eric's for a BBQ and then maybe to Dirks for fireworks and then the rest of the fam will go to watch the big fireworks in town. We will come home because Odie freaks out when the locals fire up the big noisy stuff.

I'm wondering all day if this wonderful country we live in is still Independent or if we are slowly (rapidly??) becoming secular socialist instead?

The party in control of the government is pushing through so many new bills and rules and taxes so fast that no-one can even read what they are voting on and if the new so called health deals go through I feel like they will be "editing the population". Abortion at any stage will be legal, old people will die of common, easily cured ills and the poor will still not get the health care they need. Small businesses will be gone and everything will be run by and for the government.

I truly feel that we as individuals will be fine if we have faith and confidence that Heavenly Father is watching over us. It may be that our faith and souls will be all that we have under our own control in the future. I think that is what will let us celebrate Independence Day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Like you, I worry about the road our country seems to be on... mostly for my children and their children. Seems like the Administration is digging such huge holes that we will never be able to get out of them. Sigh. That is why my faith in God must be greater than any faith I may have in men.